T-Scan in Calgary & Alberta, CA

Dentist Serving Calgary, Cochrane, Airdrie and Nearby Areas of Alberta

Aesthetic Dental Studio has added T-Scan technology to its Calgary office. Complementing the services and treatments already offered by Calgary dentist Dr. Gordon Chee, this new device allows for digital analysis of the bite to aid in diagnosis and treatment customized to meet your dental needs.

If you think bite adjustment could benefit you, please call Aesthetic Dental Studio today at 403-543-4600 to find out how T-Scan could help you achieve your preferred oral appearance and function. Our Calgary dentist is pleased to see patients throughout Alberta.

What Is T-Scan?

Manufactured by Tekscan, a company based in the United States, T-Scan is a compact sensor used to analyse the areas in the mouth where the upper and lower jaws meet. This sensor can measure, record and model multiple aspects of a patient’s bite, including:

  • Level of force when biting down or chewing
  • Pressure levels along different parts of the teeth
  • The order in which teeth make contact when biting down

To obtain this information, all you will have to do is bite down on a sensor shaped just like the dental arch. The data picked up by the T-Scan sensor are displayed on a computer, providing our Calgary dentist an accurate insight into your bite.

T-Scan Calgary CA

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Because the T-Scan software displays the results digitally, Dr. Chee can discuss findings and treatment options with you while referring to the computer screen throughout your consultation.

How Could T-Scan Benefit Me?

The pressure and timing of the bite can have an impact on many different aspects of your mouth. A misaligned or excessively forceful bite can lead to problems like:

  • Crooked teeth
  • Recurring pain in the teeth or jaw
  • Diminished chewing ability
  • Lisp or other speech impairment
  • Sagging of the face
  • Symptoms of TMD/TMJ (temporomandibular disorder), a dysfunction of the joint connecting the lower jaw to the rest of the skull

If conditions like these go undiagnosed and untreated, the functionality and appearance of your mouth could become compromised over time. By capturing the bite in motion and detecting changes as you open and close your mouth, T-Scan allows our Calgary dentist to understand why these issues are occurring and recommend treatments customized to fit the unique characteristics of your mouth.

Dr. Chee can use T-Scan to diagnose issues and develop corrective measures that are properly fitted to meet your dental needs, such as:

  • Dental restoration or prosthetics
  • Orthodontic devices
  • Appliances to combat the effects of TMD/TMJ
  • Gum disease treatment options

To learn more about the T-Scan device and other services offered by our Calgary dentist, please contact the Aesthetic Dental Studio or call 403-543-4600 today to schedule your initial appointment.